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Travel Opportunities

Sturgis students are invited to travel to France, the Dominican Republic, the Southwest (Arizona and New Mexico) in the 2022-23 school year. We also are going to Rome and the Galapagos in 2024.

Please note that these trips are not sponsored by the school and students are encouraged to consider the insurance offered by the organization running the trip.

More details below:

The Dominican Republic in February 2023:

This is a service trip with a focus on Empowering Children. More information is available here: www.eftours.com/2545031wv.

Travel  to France in February 2023:

Students from Sturgis Charter School are being offered a travel experience to Paris over February Break of 2023.

If you have any questions about the opportunity, please reach out to Heidi Wilson: hwilson@sturgischarterschool.org

Please CLICK HERE for more information on the trip.

Southwest of the U.S.: Arizona & New Mexico:

We are excited to announce that we are offering a student service trip to the Southwest of the U.S.: Arizona & New Mexico in April of 2023! While in the Southwest, students will receive service hours for working with local Native American groups on various initiatives while learning more about their way of life.

To share all the details and to answer your questions, I will host a virtual enrollment meeting. RSVP is mandatory, so be sure to let me know you’re coming.

Southwest Trip – Enrollment Meeting

When: Tuesday, June 14th, 2022, at 6:30 pm 

Where: Google Meet – RSVP to receive the meeting link 

Trip highlights: the Grand Canyon, service-learning projects, Albuquerque, and much more!


Rome in February 2024:

Teachers at East and West are putting together a week-long trip to Rome for February Break of 2024.  A center of thousands of years of history and culture, students will be able to explore ancient ruins and see major artworks in museums, enjoy delicious Italian cuisine, and more!  Interested students can check out our Google Classroom (code: u3at5en) for more info and updates. Contact Dr. Wright or Mr. Bihl at East, or Ms. Milligan and Mr. Churchill at West for more information.

The Galápagos Islands in April 2024!

We are going to have the time of our lives snorkeling in the Pacific, relaxing on pristine beaches, and seeing wildlife exclusively found on the Galápagos. You do not want to miss out! We’ll be hiking in volcanoes, snorkeling with penguins, and exploring the Ecuadorian city of Quito, in the Andes.

To learn more and enroll, visit www.explorica.com/May-824. Please note that this is in 2024, so only freshmen and sophomores are eligible.

Be sure to sign up by June 15th with the code Travel4H to receive the current price and take advantage of the lowest possible monthly payments. Reach out to Zoë McInerney zmcinerney@stugischarterschool.org with any questions.


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